Did you know that Interseafish was the first company ever in Europe to introduce this sushi shrimp delicacy? We were! Nowadays, many more companies offer it of course. Our philosophy has always been to stick to quality, reliability and stability. For this reason, the last decades we have worked with only very few companies that can guarantee all these three pillars that are so important to us. Our client place a special interest in a product that is always good and the same. The tight and reliable size range, high quality untreated shrimp, ASC certification of course, factory workers who are paid decently and definitely not exploited, no bad microbiological surprises and product that can be fully traced back to the very beginnings and the chain being completely controlled by us and thus the packer. Last two-three years the shrimp business was difficult. A lot of product was available. Most of this old product has been cleared. We will be receiving new product again soon. Product that you can expect from us: high quality, reliable and stable.